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The 15-th International Students’ Competition
for the best project in the field of packaging

The event is organized by:

Packaging, Labeling and Design Centre;
Editorial Staff of “Tara & Upakovka” magazine (“Tare & Packing”);
Polytechnic Museum.

Competition is held under support of the following authorities:

Packaging Industry Development Russian Federation Subcommittee;
Packagers’ National Confederation;
Designers’ Union of Russia;
International Association “Designers’ Union”;
Packagers’ Association of Armenia -“Armenpack”;
National Packagers’ Academy of Bulgaria;
European Packaging Institute (EPI).

Moscow 2010

Competition terms and conditions

• The students’ projects accepted for the Competition can be exceptionally those, completed during the current academic year, and on condition they have never been presented to the competition jury of “Zavodnoi Apelsin” previously.
• Each competing project has to be accompanied by a recommendation letter from the student’s Chair, as well as a registration fee payment confirmation document.
Every participant is expected to fill-in Application (see below), marked with a note “For Competition”. The completed form should be forwarded to the following e-mail address: kpc48@mail.ru
• Photos and a brief annotation are to be attached to the packaging dummies (models), presented to the jury.
The character of description is supposed to reveal important features of the project and prove the reason, why this particular packaging can be treated as really new; the level of its efficiency compared to the existing analogues, and mentioning the Customer’s specific requirements, etc. (in the limits of 1 page, either in Russian or English).
Registration fee for each Educational Institution equals to $ 60, provided the number of presented projects doesn’t exceed 5. In case there are more – the fee is increased for $ 9 per each additional project. The fee can be paid by cheque, drawn to the Company 01.07. 2010.
o In case the students have no supporting recommendation letters from their Educational Institution Chair at their disposal, though still willing to participate in the Competition independently – they are permitted to pay a personal registration fee ($ 15) on spot at the moment of presenting their projects to the Organization Committee, before date of July, 1, 2010.

Competition Nominations:

-Food Industry Packaging;
-Beverage Packaging;
-Confectionary Packaging;
-Cosmetics and Perfumery Packaging;
-Various Consumer Products’ Packaging.

The subject considered in the above mentioned nominations is designer’s work of the package (or a whole packaging series, united under the same trade mark).
Originality of construction, option of modern, up-to date materials’ usage, creative design, artistic and graphic features of the models are highly appreciated.

-Graphic Design.

Labels (series), posters on the themes: "Environment", "Trade Advertisement".

Competition Awards!
1. The main prizes for the Champions winning the First, Second and Third places in each nomination and category are as follows: golden (with the highest Award of the Competition “Zavodnoi Apelsin”), silver and bronze diplomas
2. Those participants who succeeded in the selection competition stage, but didn’t win, nevertheless will be awarded Diplomas of the Competition Participants
3. Regardless of the place taken in the Competition, there may be also special prizes and awards from the side of the jury members and sponsors.
4. Participant whose project in the mutual opinion of all the jury members is chosen as best among all the projects presented to the Competition, no matter which nomination it belongs to, - will be awarded with Grand Prix.

In accordance with the final Competition results a catalogue containing the projects –winners will be published. These catalogues will be handed to all the Competition participants, as well as offered and distributed among the organizations and parties showing interest - free of charge.
Competition results are going to be reflected in “Tare and Packaging” magazine, as well as other mass media. In 2010, the 4-th issue of “Tare and Packaging” magazine will be traditionally devoted to "Zavodnoi Apelsin" Competition’s results.

Dead line for the projects’ presentation is July, 1, 2010.
Please, be advised of the address for the projects’ presentation as follows below:
# 3 / 4 , Novaya Ploshad, Polytechnic Museum, Entry 12, Museum of Packaging, 101000, Moscow , Russia.
Any additional information is available by phone number: + 7(495) 623-48-82,
e-mail: kpc48@mail.ru.

Participant Application for the Competition "Zavodnoy Apelsin -2010" (MS Word)

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